• A newspaper article, in order to be read, must be well written, well organized and well structured. A newspaper article often tells readers of major news, or other important events. The first, or lead, paragraph of an article answers six basic questions: Who? What (or what has happened)?

    When did it happen? Where was it? Why did it happen? Why do we care about it?

    Finally, the main body of the article, usually around two-thirds of the way down, tells the reader how and why it will be of interest to them. It is often preceded by an author's name, address and telephone number, if they are willing to be interviewed, and sometimes by a brief bio that provides some information about the author, their writing career and their publications at writemypapers.org.

    An excellent article will meet at least three of these criteria. First, the article must be informative and interesting to readers. It should present new information in an interesting way.

    Second, the news presented must be relevant to the reader. The facts must relate to current events or topical issues, but not necessarily to the point at which the article is concerned. It should not be news, which is news to nobody but the author.

    Third, the news must be current. If it is to be a news item for a publication that changes its date, the newspaper should indicate on the article page that the current date is correct, even if it is not. Otherwise readers may assume the report is no longer current.

    An important thing to note is that not every news item is news to everybody. Some news is of interest only to the people who have created it, while others are news to all those who hear about it. This means that the news need not be so all-inclusive as to be news to everyone, or that it need be presented in such a way as to exclude those who don't care.

    In other words, when writing a news article, one must balance the news with what is of interest to the readers. This can be accomplished by including those facts that are of interest to those who may not know about the subject matter and by presenting the information that is more general in nature. as a supplement to the main article.

    In addition, the article should make reference to information published elsewhere in the news. This allows readers a chance to gain an understanding of what other sources say. It allows for a second opinion, a third opinion, or even an informed decision, based on what they have learned from these other sources. If there is information in one source which another does not give, this should be noted.

    The purpose of the article is to draw a reader's attention to a subject and, if possible, to interest them enough to continue reading. This is achieved by keeping their interest until the end of the article, although this goal should not be pursued to the exclusion of accuracy. rather than through a superficial presentation of information.

    When a piece of news becomes too repetitive, boring, drab, or tiresome to read, it should be revised. A reader should be offered something different and fresh to read, preferably to keep them interested in the subject for another day. Repetition may be inevitable if the article is too long or has too many repetitions of information.

    Another way of reducing repetition is to include short, concise sentences that offer the reader an overview of the story. This is done by breaking the text into smaller paragraphs. A paragraph may contain fewer words than a long one, but each of the paragraphs can tell the reader important details.

    Another useful tip is to provide a couple of ways to contact the writer for any additional information that readers may need. For instance, if a reader has questions about a particular issue, a phone number or e-mail address may be given. when they are asked.

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